In the Shadow of Light is the award-winning magical tale of Vittoria Giordano, a gifted young woman in 17th century Italy. A plague of sinister origin ravages the bustling city of Florence forcing Vittoria to seek safety in the countryside. She inadvertently tangles herself in the Inquisition's web when she uncovers a secret world teeming with danger, deception, and witches.
Devastating heartbreak leads Vittoria to accept sanctuary with a clan of Benedanti Strega. Their mystical influence is a catalyst for exposing the lie upon which her family legacy is built. When Vittoria draws the attention of vengeful Malandanti, the long shadow of the witch-hunting Inquisition creeps ever closer.
As retribution for an unforgivable act against them, the Malandanti intend to cast Florence into darkness and chaos forever. The only one who can summon the power to stop them is Vittoria—she just doesn't know it yet. Until then, her salvation lies in the hands of an unlikely trio of rabble-rousing cousins and a plague doctor.